N-G-R, NETYR, NIGER, NEGRO, "NIGGER," NIGGA, THE ORIGIN OF A SACRED WORDThe racist (white supremecist) term "Nigger", a derivative of the original name for God, "N-G-R"(pronounced "Net-ger") is continually used and taken to insult. The term "Nigger" has its origins in the sacred and divine title for "God," and came from the Egyptian WORD FOR GOD. That word is "Net-yer" or "Net-ger" from which the English terms "nature" and "nurture" came from. The idea of God being nature and nature being God, comes from the African and Egyptian idea of what God is which shows down to the similarities in the terms used to describe aspects of the Godhead.
THE SACRED "N" IN THE AFRICAN AND AFRO-ASIATIC LANGUAGESThe letter "N" is one of the most important prefixes in the African, Afro-Asiatic, Indo-Negroid, Negro-Australoid, Melanesian, Australian Aborigine, Austric, Kong-San (Bushmanoid) , Sudroid languages. In fact, the sacred "N" as in "Ni-han" (Rising Sun) OR "NG" as in "ChaNG," (ChaNGo in Manding-Congo) , "Ndong" in Vietnamese (Ndongo (Angolan Kingdom) in African Manding-Congo languages) is also found
in both Chinese and Japanese. In fact ancient Chinese, Vietnamese,South Indian, SriLankan, Melanesian, Australian Aboriginal and modern Japanese show strong similarities to Bantu (proto-historic Sahara, Niger-Congo) , languages (see "African Presence Early Asia," by Ivan Van Sertima and Runoko Rashidi) See also the works of Clyde A. Winters also go to
http://community.webtv.net/nubianem (HISTORY
http://www.cwo.com/~lucumi/runoko.htmlThe letter "N" is also the word that denotes any title pertaining to human beings. In fact in Bantu or Niger-Congo and Cushic languages, the letter "N" is found as the first letter in many names. For example the name "Ndaba," = "counsil" while the nam! e "Ndaba ningi" is the first name of Africans in region thereof.
HOW THE WORD FOR GOD, "N-G-R" (Net-ger) became Niger, Negro and "Nigger"The ancient Egyptians called their Pharaohs "N-G-R" (Net-ger)because the Egyptian Pharaoh was seen as a representation of the sun and the Sun God. The original Pharaohs who were pure Black Africans SAW BLACK SKIN AS SACRED AND A DIRECT BLESSING FROM THE SUN GOD, ATEN. In fact Blackness and black skin became associated with God
and the sun. BLACK PEOPLE WERE POWERFUL, CULTURALLY ADVANCED,MILITARILY SUPERIOR, BLACK/DARKBROWN IN COMPLEXION, STRONG STATURE, TALL AND DESCRIBED AS A "HANDSOME" RACE , (SEE HERODOTUS, "THE HISTORIES, DESCRIPTIONS OF "ETHIOPIANS" OF AFRICA AND SOUTH INDIA).The recognition of the Pharaoh as a living God and the black skin as a blessing spread worldwide to other cultures. In fact the term "Net-ger" became the Ethiopian "Negus" or "Negashi."
In the Sudroid (Indo-Negroids of India) languages of India, which are part of the Cushite branch of the African languages, the term "Naga" denotes original or first. In fact, in ancient India, the people with the blackest skins were respected and held to high esteem, unlike today where the racist (white supremecist),colonialist and alien concept of "varna" or castecolor racism places Sudroids, Indo-Negroids, Black Tribals, Dalits, Negro-Australoids and other BLACKS AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF iNDIAN SOCIETY. See
www.dalitstan.org/books/sudroidThe term "Ngola" (Angola) means "King" in the Angolan languages. This term was mistaken by the Portugese to mean the DESCRIBE "Ndongo," the kingdom.
The first people to corrupt the term "N-G-R" were the Roman invaders of Egypt who may have heard the term used to describe the leader of Egypt or Nubia. The term "Niger" was later used to mean any Black/Negroid person that the Romans saw in Africa or anywhere else.
The Romans tried to invade Nubia during the early years of the Christian Era. Then, Nubia-Kush was ruled by a ! line of Queens called "Ka'andak'es (Candace). One such queen and her son defeated the Roman army at Aswan,(see
http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire) Egypt and burned the Roman Fort. AND CARRIED THE BRONZE HEAD OF ROMAN EMPEROR AGUSTUS TO THE CUSHITE (NUBIAN) CITY OF NAPATA. The Romans colonized and spread the Latin language to Europe. Due to this linguistic influence, the Latin term "Niger" became "Negre" in French and "Negro" in Spanish.
The English colonialists and slave entity borrowed the term "Negro" from the Spanish. The term for Black people in England before Shakespeare was "Moor" or "Black-a-Moor. " The English slave owners degraded and defiled the entire name by turning the Negro into a slave and turning the original term "Ned-ger" or "God" into the racist (white supremecist) term "Nigger." One can say that they have insulted the sacred name for "God" and have oppressed the original people created by God. This phenomena is due to their own sense of inferiority.
Net-tyr (Net-ger) Khemitic/ancient Egyptian = God, Sacred, Nature
Net-tyr (Net-ger)
Negus (Nee-goos) Ethiopian term for "Emperor."
Negashi (Nee-gah-shee) Ethiopian term for "Emperor or King."
Niger: Roman/Latin term for Black or Negro
Negre: French for Negro or Black
Negro: Spanish for Black
"Nigger" racist (white supremecist),corrupted term used to insult, degrade, enfuriate.
Nigga: (pronounced "nig-gah), used as a term of endearment by some youth; rejected by others as sounding too close to the racist (white supremecist) term "Nigger."
Netzer (as in Nazerine) Hebrew for "root, original)
Naga (South Indian and African term) (Black Negro tribes of India and Africa - Sudan to Nigeria) = original
Nagaloka - The Black Negro, Negro-Australoid, Indo-Negroid/ Sudroid lands and people in Asia (India to Indonesia) ! (see mor e from the book, "Nagaloka,' by M. Gopinath (Dalit Sahitya Akademy, Bangalore, India) also see "A History of Racism and Terrorism, and Overcoming," at
www.xlibris.comNdaba (Manding-Congo/ South Africa) = A counsil of wise people,
kings, chiefs, ect.
Ngola (Manding-Congo) = "King/Lord"
Nkosi = God (Zulu, South Africa)
Ngosi = blessing (Ibo, Nigeria)
Nyamekye = God's Gift (Akan, Ghana)
Nile (Egypt, Sacred River)
Niger (West Africa; Sacred River)
Niger (country in West Africa)
Nigeria (country in West Africa)
Nugarmatta: Term used by Africans of Ghana Empire to call themselves (see writings of Ibn Buttata -- National Geographic Magazine