Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sexy rap videos suspected to be damaging to young girls

NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - Watching rap music videos that are overly sexy and violent can lead to alcohol abuse and promiscuity among young black girls, according to a study into sexual stereotypes in rap music footage.

The research was based on a survey of 522 African-American girls aged 14 to 18 who were asked how often they watched rap videos, questioned about their sex lives and asked to provide a urine sample for a marijuana screening.

U.S. researchers found young black girls who spent more time watching rap music videos were more likely to binge drink, have sex with multiple partners, test positive for marijuana and have a negative body image.

Check it out on Reuters and EVIP List

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    That is really scary. I'm a fan of hip-hop and as far as im concern i am still ok, and those sexy videos are not damaging me.
